Our Mission
The Target Translation Consortium (TTC) brings together the resources and expertise of Singapore’s public research entities to facilitate the preclinical validation of putative drug targets arising from publicly-funded research.
The TTC aims to inform investigators earlier and better about the drug development potential of their proposed target, by helping investigators to:
- Establish a stronger, causal link between the target and disease pathogenesis
- Demonstrate that target modulation can lead to the desired therapeutic effect
This enhances opportunities for future funding or partnership opportunities around these targets and increases the chances for success in drug discovery.
From 2021-2025, the TTC will be integrated with the Singapore Therapeutics Development Review (STDR) to provide streamlined and coordinated support to investigators with promising drug discovery projects.

Informing Early, Informing Better
Target validation provides critical information about whether a putative target is viable for therapeutic development. Watch our video below to understand how preclinical target validation can increase your chances of success in drug discovery.
View our video series here to understand other key considerations in drug discovery, shared by practitioners in the field.
- The importance of target validation in drug discovery
- Defining the unmet need
- Preclinical target validation: how not to be wrong (William G. Kaelin’s lecture, shared from NIH VideoCast)
- In-vitro biochemical and biophysical assays for target validation•
- Cell-based reporter assays for target validation
- Small molecule drug discovery: a Medicinal Chemist’s perspective
- Discovery and development of bio-therapeutics
- Considerations in the development of cell therapy
- In-vivo models in drug development

The TTC’s annual “Call for Targets” seeks to solicit promising drug targets arising from Singapore’s publicly-funded research.
This Call has been merged with the Singapore Therapeutics Development Review (STDR)’s since 2021.
Refer to the STDR webpage for more info and for application forms.
The TTC’s 2024 Call will open in February 2025 as the “Pre-Pilot Stream 1” of the Singapore Therapeutics Development Review (STDR). Please refer to the STDR webpage for more information. The webpage will be updated closer to the opening of the call.
If you have questions about the TTC, please reach out to your institution’s TTC representative, as listed below.
Duke-NUS | Changji Zou, Associate Director, CTeD |
SingHealth | Lye Whye Kei, Director, SingHealth Intellectual Property Jenefer Alam, Assistant Director, SingHealth Intellectual Property |
LKC SoM | Yen Choo, Executive Director, Collab Novena Kevin Pethe, Assistant Dean, Research |
NHG | Louis Ang, Director, Group Research |
NTU | Michelle Zhang, Director, Future Healthcare, NTUitive |
NUS | Lim Liting, Technology Commercialization Lead, Technology Transfer & Innovation |
NUHS | Koh Shuwen, Director, Innovation Transfer Office |
A*STAR | Neo Kah Yean, Senior Director, Innovation & Enterprise Kristal Kaan, Acting Deputy Director, Innovation & Enterprise |
Other Publicly Funded Institutions | TTC Liaison Team, ttc@eddc.sg |

The TTC will provide all proposals received with confidential, constructive reviews from interdisciplinary perspectives. Drug discovery scientists will be designated to work with investigators of shortlisted projects to develop a work plan of validation experiments which are aimed at generating more convincing evidence of whether the target should be considered for a drug discovery campaign. Collaborations will be fostered so that relevant cross-institutional capabilities and expertise can be applied, where relevant.
“The workplan development was a very supportive process that helped to refine the original proposal especially in terms of adjusting to a drug development mind set – very helpful and much appreciated!” – TTC-supported investigator, 2021

Investigators with completed TTC projects should have projects that are better positioned for competitive grants, particularly the Singapore Therapeutic Development Review. Successfully completed TTC projects will be reviewed by a TTC Expert Panel, and may be invited to directly submit a full proposal to the STDR’s Pilot Stage. Investigators are also free to explore partnerships with industry or the Experimental Drug Development Centre, and to publish.