
HHP I&E Ecosystem Workshop

HHP I&E Ecosystem Workshop

EDDC is happy to have attended a stimulating session at the HHP I&E Workshop at SgInnovate last Thursday. This was organized by BMS IPO to bring together the Innovation & Enterprise (I&E) groups of publicly funded institutions and National Platforms in the HHP domain, as well as provide a platform to share work plans and ideas for strengthening collaborations within the ecosystem.

Damian O’Connell, Hwee Ching Ang and Hsin-Ee Chia represented EDDC and Hwee Ching presented on the areas that EDDC hopes to work more with the community on in 2023. We are grateful for the chance to catch up with new and existing I&E colleagues. We especially would like to thank the organizers, BMS IPO, for the opportunity to strength existing connections and forge new ties to the community.

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